Helping you battle COVID-19 with the appropriate actions

Onsite COVID-19 Testing

The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted many areas of American life, including schools and normal business operations. And while preventative measures, such as remote school and working can help, they cannot be applied to all models or occupations. This leaves your most essential assets – your students and employees – exposed to contagion and our most critical business operations facing negative economic impact.

At PHD Laboratory, we’re leaning on our deep history of caring for our communities to assist in the challenges of protecting our youth and your workforce against COVID-19.

School Testing

PHD Laboratory will come to your school and test your students. We offer a convenient in-school solution to ensure the safety and well-being of your students.

Workplace Testing

To keep your staff and employees safe, allow our team of specialists to visit your workplace.

Let’s Get You Situated.

Talk to our experts regarding your testing needs today. You may schedule an appointment with them online.

laboratory equipment